As we countdown towards the end of this year, I wanted to reflect on a few of the great things that have happened at CCi in 2024 and share with you.
CCi Rebrand
Our journey this year has been interesting and impressive. We started with a rebrand of CCi, launching a new website and value proposition helping to position us more clearly in the marketplace which has been well received by clients and prospects, and we’re clearly very proud of our new brand and logo.
OpEx Summit
We also had our annual customer summit in Ghent, Belgium in October, which has over 100 attendees and a good mix of clients and prospects. This was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate successes, deepen relationships and share learnings. You can read a summary from the event here.
Customer Stories
We’ve had some great customer stories this year and I have been to at least 50 client sites across multiple continents this year, hearing about the great work CCi and our customer teams have achieved working together.
In November we held a webinar with Finsbury Food Group, a great customer of ours to share their inspiring story of how they’re driving excellence and sustainable growth through our partnership. You can watch the on-demand recording here if you missed it.
This year we signed new customers in automotive, food and beverage, spirits, petrochemicals and other chemicals. We’re proud to have these new customers on board and really looking forward to working with them further.
Sustainability Partnership
In October, we announced a strategic partnership with Impact Pathways, a sustainability provider in the US. They’re partnering with us to help our customers with not only their sustainability goals and corporate responsibility, but also working with us as we continue to be mindful of creating impact ourselves at CCi.
Happy Holidays
These are a few things I wanted to share, and as we move into the holiday season, I want to wish everyone a peaceful and joyous holiday. Hopefully you’ll reflect on 2024 as I’ve just done here and look forward to the things that we’ll do together in 2025. Thanks to everyone again and happy holidays.
Contact us to find out how CCi can support your organization to deliver sustainable operational excellence and performance improvement in 2025.
Jay has over 30 years of operational leadership experience, championing more than 1000 employees. At CCi he is responsible for the overall strategic leadership of the business and ensuring that CCi delivers value to its clients. Connect with Jay on LinkedIn.